Heian Tofukuji 平安東福寺-
Recognised as the pinnacle of Japanese design and aesthetics in bonsai pottery, The late Heian Tofukuji is arguably Japans most popular potter of all time.
Tofukuji lived a hard life, and even had to share the kilns of others. By research and experimentation under these unfavourable conditions however, he managed to create such variety and excellence of form, and incredible glazes. Many current day potters try to emulate his work, including amongst other; Bushuan, Ikkou, and Heian Kosen.
It was not until after his death that his work attracted recognition and real legend status. Nowadays, the values continue to rise, as the pots become more scarce and collectable, and are revered as a practical use famous pot.
Date of birth: April 25, 1890 (Meiji 23)
Tofukuji lived a hard life, and even had to share the kilns of others. By research and experimentation under these unfavourable conditions however, he managed to create such variety and excellence of form, and incredible glazes. Many current day potters try to emulate his work, including amongst other; Bushuan, Ikkou, and Heian Kosen.
It was not until after his death that his work attracted recognition and real legend status. Nowadays, the values continue to rise, as the pots become more scarce and collectable, and are revered as a practical use famous pot.
Date of birth: April 25, 1890 (Meiji 23)
Unglazed pots. Click here for Heian Tofukuji 'Glazed pots'